Animation Transitions

Transition seamlessly between GLTF animations.


glTF is a comprehensive file format for 3D models, and it supports animations. In this example, we extract the animations from the gltf file, play them, and crossfade between them.

What is the code doing?

  1. Extract the variables gltf and actions;

    const { gltf, actions } = useGltfAnimations()

  2. Bind gltf to the <GLTF> component,


this causes actions to be populated with an array of the available animations in that gltf file

run console.log(Object.entries($actions)) to see the available action strings, and the shape of the animation object. By doing this, you’ll discover that this example is only using 3 of the 7 available animations attached to this gltf file.

  1. selecting a different animation calls transitionTo function, which crossfades between the two animations