

This hook provides access to the underlying RAPIER.World as well as the means to add and remove colliders and rigid bodies from the events system.

  import { useRapier } from '@threlte/rapier'

  const { world } = useRapier()

  const noGravity = () => (world.gravity = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 })
  const normalGravity = () => (world.gravity = { x: 0, y: 9.81, z: 0 })


// type RapierContext
const {
  rapier, // RAPIER
  world, // RAPIER.World
  colliderObjects, // Map<number, Object3D<Event>>
  rigidBodyObjects, //Map<number, Object3D<Event>>
  rigidBodyEventDispatchers, //RigidBodyEventDispatchers
  colliderEventDispatchers, //ColliderEventDispatchers
  addColliderToContext, // (collider: Collider, object: Object3D<Event>, eventDispatcher: ColliderEventDispatcher) => void
  removeColliderFromContext, // (collider: Collider) => void
  addRigidBodyToContext, // (rigidBody: RigidBody, object: Object3D<Event>, eventDispatcher: RigidBodyEventDispatcher) => void
  removeRigidBodyFromContext // (rigidBody: RigidBody) => void
} = useRapier()